Periodontics diagnosis at “push of a button”

Combining image processing with deep learning= Accurate and early diagnosis of periodontal diseases

Dentacad turns your office into a fully automated diagnosis facility!

Dentacad redefines periodontics diagnosis with an innovative solution: a technology that promises of computational methodology to reduce human error and increase diagnostic accuracy and reduce time and cost.

Dentacad is pushing it’s technology past limits of traditional methods of PD diagnosis with its digital platform and pipeline of AI application. Developed by a combination of dental advisor and software developers Dentacad is transforming the practice of periodontics diagnosis, putting the power of accurate and early diagnosis using data-centric algorithms.

Our Product

use image statistic as input features.

classify gum and dental soft tissue localization segments into normal and abnormal using the relationship between panoramic radiograph images and periodontal pathology.

provide periodontics diagnosis

Tooth Image

Our Mission

Accurate and early diagnosis using AI (deep deep learning)

Using Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) platforms, we have developed specialized algorithmic solutions to analyze panoramic dental radiographs for faster and better assessment than human accuracy. Our solutions, which are both in API and Web Platforms, are designed to offer faster and better access for second and third diagnostic opinions by dental professionals to help develop a therapeutic approach quickly.

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> Our application offering proposes to reduce the time taken for diagnosis considerably due to real-time processing. The proposed software framework has unique features that make it competitive in the market. The novel machine learning technique can predict periodontal disease in high-risk patients in real-time and can send the generated pathology report to the dentist/hygienist. It will allow performing diagnosis assessment in record time and act as a secondary check for the dental professional. It can be used in any dental center and does not require an experienced dental professional to assess radiograph images.
> The proposed product benefits from various novelties, including:
> Utilizing Machine learning and AI platform to learn the relationship between panoramic radiograph images and periodontal pathology. The real-time AI model can be further expanded for diagnosis of chronic dental diseases.
> The software application generates reproducible results that are not dependent on the experience of the reader. It can be used in any remote clinic or radiology center and can be further investigated and used to evaluate the progress of the disease in high-risk patients.
> It has the potential to be used in any dental and radiology center, especially in remote areas. Once the report is generated, it can be automatically sent to a dentist/hygienist located in another city or across the world to another country, and the results can be verified before used for making treatment decisions.
Dentacad’s Advantages


What benefits You Gain

Using our technology your practice is equipped with a powerful diagnostic tool!

AI's higher effectiveness and efficiency will allow radiologists/dentists to perform more value-added tasks, becoming more visible to patients and playing a vital role in multidisciplinary clinical teams. AI systems look at specific labeled structures and learn how to extract image features either visible or invisible to the human eye. This methodology mimics human analytical cognition, allowing for better performance than that obtained with old CASR and CADIA software. AI applications may improve the reproducibility of technical protocols, improve image quality, decrease radiation dose, decrease imaging time, and optimize staffing and X-ray console utilization, reducing costs. These applications will streamline and accelerate dentist’s work, resulting in an average higher technical quality of examinations. AI assists the dentist in higher-order knowledge integration with the experience of thousands of medical procedures that a single person would not be able to integrate alone.
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